3 1 2019
BSUPC delegation visited China
The delegation of Belarusian State University of Physical Culture visited China. The delegation consisted of First Vice Rector Sergey Shavruk, Head of International Department Irina Leshkovich and the director of the Confucius Classroom of BSUPC from Chine
7 12 2018
Rectors of BSUPC and Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sport signed cooperation agreements
BSUPC and Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sport (UzSUPCS) will create a joint faculty of mass sports, recreation activities and tourism. As well as develop and implement educational programs of studies in the magistracy with
7 12 2018
BSUPC and Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sport creates joint faculty
The Minister of Physical Culture and Sport of the Republic of Uzbekistan Dilmurod Nabiyev and the rector of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sport Makhmudzhan Baltabaev paid an official visit to Belarusian State University
27 11 2018
Student Olympic Forum brought together more than 300 young researchers from 8 countries
The International Student Olympic Forum was held at the headquarters of the National Olympic Committee (NOC). The event brought together more than 300 young researchers and practitioners from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, Latvia and China.
27 11 2018
Board of the Confucius Classroom held the meeting at BSUPC
The delegation from Lingnan Normal University, headed by Vice-Rector Lan Yangtse, arrived at the university to attend a meeting of the Board of the BSUPC Confucius Class – a joint project of two universities. The Rector of