1 12 2017
International scientific-practical seminar “Мodern systems of training of high-class athletes and reserve in sports gymnastics and dance sports” started at the university
On November, 20 international scientific-practical seminar “Modern systems of training of high-class athletes and reserve in sports gymnastics and dance sports” started at the university. The seminar gathered leading specialists in sports industry of our republic as
1 12 2017
The trainees from the Lignan Pedagogical University took part in the republican festival of foreign students’ art work «F.-ART.BY»
On November 17, on the International Student’s Day in the National Library of Belarus the festive opening of the Republican festival of the art work of foreign students «F.-ART.BY» came about. The festival ran with the representatives
1 12 2017
The representatives of BSUPC participated in the International conference “Stable development and the heritage in sport: problems and prospects”
In Kiev (Ukraine) on the basis of the National university of physical education and sport of Ukraine on 15-16, November 2017 the International conference “Stable development and the heritage in sport: problems and perspectives” run out. Deputy
20 11 2017
Representatives of BSUPC awarded International Trade Fair «Ideas — Inventions — New Products»
The 69th International Trade Fair «Ideas — Inventions — New Products» IENA-2017 was held in Nuremberg (Germany) from November 2nd till November 5th. Nikolai Sotsky (the Head of the Department of Biomechanics, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate
8 11 2017
SCST and Commission on Science and Technology of Shanghai plan to hold competition of joint scientific and technical projects
The State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the Commission on Science and Technology of the People’s Government of Shanghai are going to hold the first meeting on the scientific and technical