12 11 2018
Delegation from Moldova visited BSUPC
The delegation from Moldova visited Belarusian State University of Physical Culture (BSUPC). During their visit there were several official meetings. The First Deputy Minister of Sports and Tourism of Belarus Vyacheslav Durnov, and Rector of BSUPC Sergei
30 10 2018
First Vice-Rector met with the teachers from Lingnan Normal University
The First Vice-Rector of Belarusian State University of Physical Culture Sergey Shavruk, met with Xiao Jie, the Deputy Dean of the Institute of Sports Science at Lingnan Normal University, the teacher of the Institute of Spots Science
30 10 2018
BSUPC representatives took part in an authoritative forum of biomechanics of Eastern Europe
The XI International Conference “Actual Problems of Modern Biomechanics of Physical Education and Sport” was held in National University “Chernihiv Collegium” named after Taras Shevchenko (Ukraine) and dedicated to the memory of the famous ukrainian scientist, doctor
30 10 2018
BSUPC and Dalian University will sign the cooperation agreement
Belarusian State University of Physical Culture and Dalian University (China) will establish the cooperation in the field of science, mutual exchange of students and teachers. This was agreed during the treaty with the First Vice-rector of BSUPC
30 10 2018
Sports manager Valery Gorelikov held lectures
According to the director of the Center for Sports Management of the Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy» Valery Gorelikov: “Belarusian sport needs competent managers and marketing specialists”. At the meeting with students of the Institute of