Everyone knows that student life does not only mean lectures, seminars, and an infinite number of various curricular activities. It also includes extracurricular part full of new friends, emotions and unforgettable impressions. The University Student Council is responsible for this part of student life of BSUPC.
The Goals of the Student Council:
- Representation of the professionally-oriented educational institution students in and beyond the educational institution at different levels including inter-university, local, regional, and federal ones
- Representation of the students in the administration of educational institutions
- Development, adoption and implementation of measures for the coordination of student social forces acting in the educational institution
- Interaction with the administration, heads of departments of educational institutions, the implementation of educational and upbringing activities for students in various aspects of life
- Organization of socially important public activities of students
- Management of student self-administration in structural subdivisions of the educational institution (faculties, departments, courses, classes, hostels, etc.)
- Informing the students, the administration, teaching and supporting staff of the professionally-oriented educational institution about various aspects of student life and the state youth policy
- Participation in forming the regulatory framework for the various spheres of student youth’s life and active involving them in social activities
- Recruiting and training student activists at the educational institution.
The Tasks of the Student Council:
- Assisting the administration and educational structures to involve university students in various spheres of life of the University and the Institute of Tourism
- Representing students’ interests in the university administration
- Assisting students in protecting their rights and performing their duties
- Development of recommendations for the maintenance of order and discipline in the university
- Formation of the university’s positive image for students and the public
- Participation in the development and implementation of programmes aimed at improving students’ learning environment, living conditions and leisure
- Interaction with public organizations and university structural units
- Participation in the work of the University Council in making decisions that affect the students’ interests
- Information support for students. The issue of the student newspaper “Tribune”
- Promoting healthy lifestyle in educational establishment, prevention of crime and pernicious habits among students. Participation in the work of the commissions on crime prevention and the organization of student nutrition at the university
- The organization of various kinds of social activities for students, holding cultural, sports and recreational activities
- Recruiting student activists capable of ensuring the effective functioning and development of student self-administration.