The representatives of “Belarusian State University of Physical Culture” took part in CIS member states youth forum

From June 23-30, 2019 the “International Youth Forum of Volunteer Initiatives” of CIS member states took place in Dushanbe (The Republic of Tajikistan) with the topic: Promotion of reading in CIS member states.

The main goal of this annual forum is to popularize the idea of reading among children, teenagers and youth, an exchange of experience among volunteer organizations in popularizing and promotion of reading process, improvement the volunteer movement among CIS members, and establishing partnership and cooperation among youth organizations and associations.

The representatives of national youth public associations from 9 countries – Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation and Ukrainian Republic participated in the forum.

The delegation of our country included representatives of the Belarusian State University of Physical Education — Deputy Head of the Department of Educational Work with Youth Elena Davidenko and Assistant Professor of Athletics Department Irina Kostenko. Within the framework of the forum, they presented the information about literary club “Алый Маяк” and the student union “Закулисье” work.

In addition to plenary sessions, round tables, volunteer organized fairs, workshops, thematic exibitions, the forum program included cross-cultural activities, where participants creatively shared each other with peculiarities of their native countries, culture, history and traditions.