From 14 to 18 December at the Department of Continuing Education in Sports and Tourism of the Institute of Sports and Tourism Management, an advanced training program was implemented on the topic: “Sports and Tourism Management and Marketing. Technologies for the formation and promotion of the national sports and tourism product”.
The course program included lectures and practical classes on topical topics.
The teachers also developed electronic courses of lectures and seminars, which were provided to all interested listeners.
Classes on the following topics were highly appreciated by the students (based on the results of the survey):
“Historical and Cultural Potential of the Republic of Belarus” (candidate of historical sciences P.Yu. Bulaty);
“Sports and Tourism Image of the Republic of Belarus” (Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor A.I. Verush);
«Digital technologies in the formation and promotion of sports and tourism products» (senior lecturer — MV Prigun);
«Ensuring security during sports and tourism events» (senior teacher V.A. Yankovenko);
«Innovative strategies for the formation of demand for tourism products and their management in conditions of uncertainty» (teacher — E.V. Shukan).
In order to implement a practice-oriented approach, the program on the topic «Features of the activity of multifunctional sports and tourist complexes» provided field lessons.
The audience especially liked the field lesson at the Republican Center for Olympic Freestyle Training.
«Freestyle» is a unique object, under its roof there are two zones at once: a training center for professional athletes and an entertainment complex (water park, bath and thermal complex, bowling and billiard halls, dry floating center, fitness and gym, bars and cafes and much more).
A nice bonus was a gift voucher for each listener from the Center to visit the water park with a 50% discount.
Upon completion of the courses, the students received a state-recognized “Certificate of Advanced Training”.
We are waiting for our applications and proposals for new courses by phone 324-66-52.
(Department of Continuing Education in Sports and Tourism, room 402).