Belarusian State University of Physical Culture is a part of the system of scientific organizations of the Republic of Belarus (accreditation certificate of a scientific organization № 245 dated December 20, 2017). It conducts purposeful work to improve research and innovation activities, as well as the process of training of highly qualified scientific personnel, which is the most important area of education.
In 2021 in order to develop a productive scientific and educational environment and a system of science-oriented education, a strategy for the development of research and innovation activities of BSUPC until 2025 and an action plan for its implementation were created and approved.
The main scientific research of the University is carried out within the framework of the State Program «Physical Culture and Sport» for 2021-2025. The implementation of the two-year project «To improve the monitoring of prognostic factors of cardiovascular catastrophes of athletes based on the use of high-resolution ECG» has been completed. As a result of the project a method of multilevel monitoring of the risk of cardiovascular catastrophes of athletes based on functional diagnostic methods, as well as an algorithm for selecting athletes for competitive activities based on the use of high-resolution ECG were developed.
In 2021 scientists of BSUPC began to work on two new projects: a joint project with Polessky State University «To develop and implement new technologies for correcting the functional state of athletes based on optimizing the use of magnetic fields (using the example of rowing)» and the project «To develop scientific and methodological requirements for the professional competence of a coach in sports and an automated system for certifying coaching personnel in the Republic of Belarus (using the example of martial arts).
139 tests (1302 man-surveys) of representatives of 19 sports (basketball, biathlon, cycling, volleyball, handball, gymnastics, golf, academic rowing, kayaking and canoeing, judo, karate, speed skating, athletics, swimming, taekwondo, tennis, fencing, hockey, short track) were conducted on the basis of the testing site of the scientific and educational cluster «Intelligent Technologies in Sports». Cooperation with national teams of the Republic of Belarus in cycling and speed skating, kayaking and canoeing is carried out on an ongoing basis.
The laboratory of functional diagnostics and rehabilitation technologies was actively engaged in the process of studying of the functional state and the process of rehabilitation of athletes-students of BSUPC. In 2021, 551 people who participated in the research work of the laboratory, were given reports on 324 stabilometric examinations, 104 audiovisual stimulations and other physiotherapy procedures.
The key scientific and organizational events in the University in 2021 were II International Scientific and Practical conference «Sports and martial arts: traditions, reality, challenges» dedicated to the memoryof V.A.Bartash; the Festival of University Science – 2021 (within the framework of which 16 scientific and practical events were held), ХV International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innovative technologies in sports, tourism and hospitality industry», International Scientific and Practical Conference «Topical issues of training the sports reserve in hockey», II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innovative technologies of sports medicine and rehabilitation», International Scientific and Practical Seminar «Modern systems of training high-class athletes and reserves in gymnastic sports and dance sports», IV
International Student Olympic Forum «Olympic Movement, student sports, communications and education».
As a result of the cycle of scientific and practical events «Modern technologies in the preparation of sports reserves and high-class athletes», 32 information and analytical materials were prepared and published for participants and listeners of the Center «Higher School of Coaches».
In 2021, 4 issues of the scientific and theoretical journal «World of Sports» and issue No. 24 of the collection of scientific papers «Scientific Notes of BSUPC», which are included in the list of scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus and the RSCI abstract database, were published. For the first time, a collection of scientific articles written by young researchers of BSUPC was published based on the results of scientific and innovative activities presented at the University Science Festival.
The University has modern sports equipment, scientific and innovative potential of which is realized to improve the quality of the University’s research activities; the educational process at the I and II stages of higher and postgraduate education, additional adult education; the development of new approaches to improve the effectiveness of the training system for sports reserves and high-class athletes; the development of scientific and human potential of the university and sports organizations.
Scientific, Methodical and Innovative Activities Center (SMIAC)
Minsk, Pobediteley avenue, 105, 220020
Head of the Center
Olga D. Nechai
+375 17 307 67 45, 223 room (office), e-mail:
Specialists of the Сenter
Tatyana N. Mushtenko
+375 17 357 63 51, 223 room, e-mail:
Yulianna O. Khaydarova
+375 17 374 61 16, 542 room, e-mail:
Postgraduate and doctoral studies
Natalia P. Makarevich – Head of postgraduate studies
Ekaterina I. Dovydenko – Senior Specialist
+375 17 377 53 55, 550 room, e-mail:
Department of Innovative Sports Technologies
Ekaterina A. Tsedryk – Head of the Department
+375 17 374 61 16, room 540, e-mail:
Laboratory of functional diagnostics and rehabilitation technologies
Dmitry K. Zubovski – Head of the laboratory
+375 17 240 26 49, +375 17 302 93 40, rooms 331-338 (TSC «Track-and-field arena», Pobediteley avenue, 109 B), e-mail:
Information and Analytical Department
Margarita E. Agafonova – Head of the Department
+375 17 373 60 64, rooms 539, e-mail: