International cooperation

Vice-head of International Office


Tel.: +375 17 377 51 21

Office: 434

Documentary assistance of international internships, academic exchanges, the participation in international events; international marketing; assistance in organizing and holding international events at the university.

Leading specialist of International Office


Written and oral translation; advising of foreign citizens about the conditions of admission at the university, to enclose contracts for education with foreign applicants; Interaction with hospitals of the Republic of Belarus to organize medical check-ups for foreign applicants/students.

Leading specialist of International Office


Forming of invitations for education; applications for visa’s delivery; forming of documents for the registration of foreign citizens; taking stock of foreign citizens study at the university; forming of contracts for living in the university’s dormitory; assistance of university’s representatives in forming of exit documents.

Specialist of the International Department


An assistance in the implementation of joint international projects with educational establishments, organizations of the People’s Republic of China; translating and interpreting in Russian and Chinese languages; implementation of vocational guidance work among the People’s Republic of China citizens in order to attract them to study at BSUPC.

The Department of International Relations of BSUPC was established in 1998 as an independent unit under the control of the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs. For more than 10 years, the department has done a lot of work in the field of international activity. Currently, the University has concluded more than 60 international agreements on cooperation with partner universities from 19 countries.

The goal of the BSUPC’s Department of International Relations is to support the integration of the University into the international educational community, gain additional opportunities to enhance teaching and make the University more attractive compared to other educational institutions.

To achieve its main goal the department performs the following tasks:

  • Establishment and development of effective and mutually beneficial partnerships with foreign universities, scientific and cultural institutions, the preparation of bilateral agreements and cooperation programmes in the field of education, science, sports and tourism.
  • Assistance in organizing and conducting international scientific and practical conferences, symposia, workshops, and exhibitions at the University;
  • Participation of the University in international projects and programmes;
  • Sending teachers and students of the University abroad for studying, internships, research activities and exchange of experience;
  • Dealing with international students of the university. Assisting the organization of training and updating foreign citizens in cooperation with corresponding structural units of the University.

The Department of International Relations is responsible for the international cooperation of the University and is designed to assist international students during their education.


Educational Establishment “Belarusian State University of Physical Culture” Department of International Relations
Address: 105, Pobeditelei ave., office 434, Republic of Belarus, Minsk
Tel.: +375 17 377 51 21
Fax: +375 17 373 59 36