Faculty of Mass Sports

The Dean of the Faculty


Associate professor

Contact phone number: + 375 17 373 53 25

The faculty departments:

  • Department of Water Sports
  • Department of Gymnastics
  • Department of Track-and-Field Athletics
  • Department of Shooting Sports and Skiing
  • Department of Pedagogy
  • Department of Swimming
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Martial Arts and Specialized Training
  • Department of Sports Medicine


Mode of Study


Occupational opportunities

Sports and Physical Education Activities (Coaching work in Particular Sports)
Sports: swimming, rowing, kayaking and canoeing, yachting, track-and-field athletics, cross-country skiing, biathlon, shooting sports, orienteering, gymnastics, acrobatics, sports dances, hand-to-hand combat (mixed fights), karate, taekwondo, motorsport
Full-time education Sports Coach,
P.E. teacher
P.E. teacher, Sports Coach of educational institutions, Olympic training centers, sports and recreational and sports establishments
Sports: swimming, rowing, track-and-field athletics, shooting sports, cross-country skiing, gymnastics, acrobatics, sports dances, hand-to-hand fighting (taekwondo, karate), Thai boxing Part-time education
Sports and Physical Education Activity
(Psychology in Sports)
Full-time education Psychologist
P.E. teacher
Sports and recreational establishments psychologist.
Sports and recreational establishments P.E. teacher.