On November 17, on the International Student’s Day in the National Library of Belarus the festive opening of the Republican festival of the art work of foreign students «F.-ART.BY» came about. The festival ran with the representatives of diplomatic body, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, foreign students of educational establishment of higher education.
This year the festival ran under the motto: «Youth of the world: originality, solidarity, cooperation»
The organizers were Ministry of Education and the National center of children and youth art work.
On behalf of BSUPC the trainees from the Lignan Pedagogical University (People’s Republic of China) demonstrated the lion’s dance on the stage.
The festival gives the opportunity for the foreign students to get acquainted with the national peculiarities, traditions and cultures of other countries. «F.-ART.by» is intended to unify and unite friendly and multinational student family.
The festival broadens creative relations and forms a unique experience of international cooperation in field of education, culture and the development of youth initiatives.