In Kiev (Ukraine) on the basis of the National university of physical education and sport of Ukraine on 15-16, November 2017 the International conference “Stable development and the heritage in sport: problems and perspectives” run out.
Deputy Minister on Education and Science of Ukraine Roman Gleba, Deputy Minister on Ecology and natural resources of Ukraine Vasily Poluyko, Deputy Minister on youth and sport of Ukraine Nikolay Molchan, Vice-President of National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, twice Olympic champion Valeriy Borzov were present at the conference festive opening.
The president of National Olympic Committee of Ukraine and the Olympic champion Sergey Bubka appeared with the welcoming speech, he also read aloud the greeting speech of His Majesty Prince of Monaco Albert II, who is the head of International Olympic committee “Stable development and the heritage” commission.
Within the framework of the International Conference, a Memorandum of Partnership was signed between the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine and its commission «Sport and the Environment» headed by the NUPES Rector Evgeny Imas.
Doctor of Education, Professor Vladimir Platonov appeared before the conference participants, he stressed the problems of Olympic movement in the period of stable development.
The president of Olympic academy of Ukraine, Doctor of Education, Professor, the Head of the department of history and theory of Olympic Sport Maria Bulatova analyzed the concept of Olympic education as an element of stable development of Olympic movement.
Irina Guslistova, the Chairman of Presidium of the Belarusian Olympic academy, dean of sports and pedagogical faculty of mass sport of Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, assistant professor spoke at the conference with the report “Olympic Education in the Republic of Belarus as a factor of the country stable development”.
She stated that the steady development supposes the person’s development, the guarantee of person’s rights particular for the worthy life. Without this the stability of the society is impossible. It is indicated in the Concept of stable development of the Republic of Belarus till year 2030. This concept says that the development of creative forces and capabilities of a human, spiritual health of the nation are based on the system of moral and spiritual values of society, which are the base for the formation of national self-consciousness.
The strategic aim of the culture development is the rise of its social role in Belarusian citizens’ life, consolidation of the status of Belarus in the world as an independent state of high culture, which carefully preservers its historical heritage, realizing the constitutional rights of the citizens. That is why, on the one hand, the government and the nations should produce common principles of mutual understanding, which will become the ground for the global and other problems solution, standing in front of the world community and this will assist its steady development. On the other hand – the development of the national cultures, personality, sufficient level of life for the realization of rights and liberties is an issue for the stability in the world.
As before, the basis of such mutual understanding consists of panhuman values and universals, which are common for almost all nations and cultures. At the same time the recognition of the uniqueness of national and ethnic values, the traditions of various nations – is a guarantee of an equal dialogue.
One of the uniting valuable paradigms is Olympism and the system of Olympic education. The report caused a great interest among the representatives; the participants highlighted the system of Olympic education, which includes all educational levels of the system of education of the Republic of Belarus.
The representatives of the Belarusian Olympic academy conducted the range of meetings: President of the National Olympic academy of Kazakhstan, rector of Kazakhstan academy of sport and tourism, President of the International Universities Association of physical culture and sport, Doctor of Education, professor Kairat Zakiryanov, President of Moldova National Olympic academy, rector of National Institute of physical culture and sport of Moldova, professor Vyacheslav Manolaki, General secretary of Azerbaijan National Olympic Committee, President of Azerbaijan Olympic Academy Abiev Agajan Gulam ogly, president of Ukraine Olympic Academy, professor Maria Bulatova. While these meetings the further cooperation between the Universities of physical culture and sport, national Olympic academies and the possibilities of work on mutual projects were discussed.
In order to study the experience of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine and the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, Irina Guslistova and Natalia Aponchuk visited the International Center for Olympic Studies of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine and the Department of History and Theory of Olympic Sports.