The perspectives of cooperation: university administration met colleague from Azerbaijan

The possibility of cooperation between BSUPC and Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sport was discussed by the representatives of the institutions while the meeting on January, 23.

Our university has been visited by the Vice-Rector on science and education of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sport Tahmina Hamun Tagi-Zada. The First Vice-Rector of the university Sergey Shavruk, Vice-Rector on science Tatiana Morozevich-Shiluk and the head of international department Irina Leshkovich talked to the colleague.

Within the framework of the meeting the perspective directions of the cooperation were discussed: the realization of joint scientific researches, sports competitions, experience exchange in specialists training on the first and second levels of higher education, the involvement of BSUPC teachers for the lectures and practical classes conduction in Azerbaijan, the refresher courses organization on the basis of our university for the foreign colleagues, scientific and methodical literature exchange – the usage of the library founds of both universities.

Tahmina Hamun Tagi-Zada has also visited the department of martial arts and specialized training, the department of psychology and biomechanics.

At the end of the meeting the Azerbaijan delegation was invited to the International scientific congress «Values, traditions and innovations of modern sport» which will run on the basis of the university from 18 to 20 of April. It is planned that within the framework of the oncoming visit the cooperation agreement will be signed between the universities.