BSUPC and Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sport (UzSUPCS) will create a joint faculty of mass sports, recreation activities and tourism. As well as develop and implement educational programs of studies in the magistracy with the issuance of two diplomas.
The respective agreements were signed by the rectors of two universities Sergey Repkin and Makhmudzhan Baltabaev.
The joint faculty will function under UzSUPCS. Teachers from BSUPC will be involved in the educational process and final certification. BSUPC will also provide the faculty with educational and methodical materials.
At the end of studies at a joint faculty students will receive documents on education (a higher education diploma of the first level) in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan.
A double diploma will be given to graduate students, who will study at universities in similar specialties. The program involves a two-year study in full-time or distance form.
Academic mobility will provide an opportunity for students and teachers to improve knowledge, skills and share experience.
The new format of cooperation will allow universities to interact in the field of education, science and culture more closely and to increase the effectiveness of educational, methodological and research work.