The terms of admission for foreign citizens are extended till December 1st, 2017.
You may submit your documents, make the invitation for education contacting the Department of International Relations.
List of documents required for admission:
1. Passport;
2. Education certificates;
3. Medical certificates from your country;
4. HIV test;
5. Birth certificate;
6. Photos 3×4.
All documents should be translated into Russian language and officially notarised.
Upon arrival in Belarus for entry and further education at the university foreign citizens need to undergo a medical check-up in student’s hospital №33, and also pay for registration.
To enter the university foreign citizens should pass exams of Russian language and Physical Culture.
The list of specialties you may find here:
To obtain higher education of master’s degree, as well as preparatory courses (Russian language courses for foreign citizens), all the necessary documents should be submitted in the Department of International Relations.
All the information about invitations for education, admission, specialties,tuition fees and allegiance in Belarus you may get in the Department of International Relations:
Office numb.:+375 17 369 59 36