Confucius Class students of the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture (BSUPC) took part in 2019 Summer Camp, which was organized by BSUPC partner university — Lingnan Normal University (LNU), Zhanjiang.
The 2019 Summer Camp has become a traditional joint event, aiming to improve friendly relations between universities.
Camp is being held for the third time in 2019 and gathered a group, guided by Natalia Kosteeva, the Director of the BSUPC Confucius Classroom.
Camp participants were actively involved in student’s campus life. LNU volunteers helped them to adapt in China.
An intense educational program included various trainings: Chinese, calligraphy, painting, poetry, music, traditional Chinese medicine, wushu, tai chi, and cooking.
Apart from face-to-face training, the program includes field trips, cultural sites and Confucius museums visiting.
Much attention was dedicated to intercultural communication of Chinese and Belarusian students. Camp participants interacted with representatives of the Institute of Foreign Languages, the Institute of Literature and Media and the Institute of Sports Science.
Camp participants initiated thematic evening, dedicated to Belarus, where the educational programs and Confucius Classroom activities of BSUPC were presented.
During the final evening concert participants demonstrated their success in mastering Chinese culture, read poetry and sang a song on Chinese, represented masterpieces in calligraphy and art. This festival was Belarusian-colored because of joint group from both universities, who performed Belarusian folk song “Kupalinka”.
2019 Summer Camp continued at one of the largest Chinese cities — Guangzhou, where participants immersed themselves in exciting excursive-educational program.
As early as September, a LNU delegation with the Deputy Dean of the Institute of Sports Science Song Weihong, professors and ten students will visit Belarusian University with a reciprocal visit. The delegates will perform lectures and master-classes for professors and students from BSUPC.
The LNU students will be at hands-on-training in BSUPC.
It is worth noting, that mutual students and professors exchange became possible due to successful implementation of joint educational project “Confucius Classroom”, BSUPC. December, 2018 the university received a special award “Best Confucius Classroom of the Year 2018”.