Last week a festive session, dedicated to 100th anniversary of RUSSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SPORT, YOUTH AND TOURISM held in Moscow. Among the high guest there was a delegation of Belarusian State University of Physical Culture in charge of the Rector of the university S. Repkin.
The festive programme of the day was imbued with the idea of a connection between the generations and the history of the university. This tone was set by the starting number-prologue, in which students on the stage repeated the movements of the participants of the All-Union Physical Culture Parade of the year 45 on Red Square. Many famous athletes and politicians of the highest rank came to congratulate the staff of the University. The official part of the celebration was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russian Federation Olga Golodets, who read the greetings from Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Parting words today’s students heard from one of the greatest athletes in the history of Russia, a three-time Olympic champion, a graduate of SCOLIPE and State Duma deputy Irina Rodnina.
Действительно, праздник колоссальный. Сто лет – это целая история, тем более, Indeed, the holiday is colossal. A hundred years is a whole story, especially since this is the history of our country. Indeed, as recently performed in the song here — was born and made in the USSR, — Irina Rodnina noted. — You know, I came to submit documents, and when on the entrance ladder you meet so many people that you watched on TV or read in the press, and you have something inside. And even when we returned after the biggest victories, we did not get any indulgence. For this many thanks to the teaching staff. You never lowered our level, but on the contrary forced to rise it even more.
Kind words from the stage were voiced by the Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov, who himself studied at SCOLIPE and graduated in 1991.
The prologue ended with the song «Heroes of Sport». The final of the historical sketch was the symbolic lighting of the Olympic flame with the anniversary logo — the new century is open!
The international scientific and practical congress «SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL SCHOOLS IN THE SPHERE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS» dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the SCOLIPE was held in the program of events. Representatives of our university delegation participated in congress — Rector S. Repkin, vice-rector for science, Т. Morozevich-Shilyuk and the head of the department of combative sports and special training V. Bartash. In the framework of communication with colleagues from various universities in Russia and a number of other foreign countries, agreements were reached on joint activities.
It is supposed that the XXIII International Scientific Congress «Olympic Sport and Sport for All» will be held in the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture in 2020.